Crypto Wallet Setup, Support & Recovery Services

Need help managing
or getting into Cryptocurrency?


We're on a mission to help people, investors, and family offices to become crypto investors.

offering crypto support

offering crypto support

offering crypto support


Need help storing your Crypto safely?

Need help recovering coins that are lost?

Blog & News

Blog & News

Blog & News

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Recent Events

What is Key Consulting?

In today’s world, you cannot talk about investing without talking about crypto. Blockchain and crypto currencies have greatly altered the investing landscape in recent years. How does someone make smart decisions with something so new?

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4 Steps To Level Up Your Crypto Security

Keep Your Crypto By Keeping it Safe Once you invest in cryptocurrency you’ll want to take extra steps to protect it and to always have a way back to it whether you or someone else are trying to access it, move it or trade it.

Client Reviews

Client Reviews

Client Reviews

“Evan helped me recover my 24 word key. He was quick, affable, and trustworthy.”
— Reddit User
“I almost had a heart attack when I lost access to my Jaxx wallet. Evan was able to get my money back. He does great work.”
— Anon
“I almost had a heart attack when I lost access to my Jaxx wallet. Evan was able to get my money back. He does great work.”
— Anon

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